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"Keep Your Feet Dry and Don't Bunch Up!" - Dudley
...and "Oh Yeah, Since I will probably never see you again,
those shoes are not the least bit flattering on you!" - Becker
...Quoted in the H.B. In-house Newsletter, "The Weekly Roomer"

["HOTEL BRAVO" was Best Visited by NETSCAPE 4.79, BECAUSE IT WAS MOSTLY MADE WITH NETSCAPE 4.72-9, on a seventeen inch screen, resolved at 832 by 624 by 75Hz, with millions of colors, and heard with decent audio programming and a killer sub woofer! Now? WHO KNOWS? 7.2 SEEMS TO WORK WHEN ZOOMED DOWN TO 90% Text Size, but Mozilla works better if you don't want to be ensnared by the Netscape Network Monopoly...and Turn off your (explicative deleted) Link-Underliner! Hotel Bravo is a "Quest;" "a Ride," not your ordinary "Steam & Cream!" NO Cheating!]
Entertainment Nightly the STARLITE LOUNGE!

Carl Jung, after much labor, began to disclose his own unconscious to himself in metaphor. He realized himself as a mansion with many interesting rooms. Hotel Bravo has many interesting rooms, on many floors, in several buildings, in basements and on roofs, but it is the Hotel Bravo Guests who ride the elevators and open the doors, traversing the planes of awareness between times, places, experiences, persons, and illusions of Self, who discover within their own metaphors, the Holy Grail that is common between all Living Beings.

["So far as we know, Homer was the first to describe the experiences of PTSD experienced by combat soldiers following a blood bath, in his stories of Odysseus and his men consuming ten years in thier efforts to return home..." - The HB Editorial Board]

To the HOTEL BRAVO Lobby...

"...It Is THE WORLD That Has Been Pulled Over Your Mind To Blind You To THE TRUTH!"
-- Morpheus, in The Matrix

"Many Instructions FOR GETTING AROUND HOTEL BRAVO are absent. This is only a reflection of the reality of existence itself, and certainly true of anyone's tour in The Nam. So, it is purposeful that an apparent, maze-like quality exists as a feature on Hotel Bravo, reflecting that we are on our own, even at the tops of highest mountains or the bottoms of deepest seas within ourselves and in relationships, in spite of our tendency toward absurd superstitious beliefs, yet, maybe not as alone as we might feel if we give sentiment a soul to the dark...where differences like politics, color of uniforms or skin, one's sex or sexual orientation, age, creed, and ethnic background disappear from sight and only 'deafness' of one sort or another can deter one from 'hearing' the most basic commonalties between all humans and prefer to ignore them." --The Management

Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)

Theocratic-Repug Political positions are Kryptonite for "Superman!"
"Christopher Reeve, Dead at fifty-two, partially because Stem Cell Research hampered by Psycho Ideologues who think Bombs dropped on poor, non-white, and innocent Muslims we are 'saving' half a world away are money better spent, than on research that can make lives everywhere better or save lives, have set such research behind decades, but who claim an extreme reverence for Life, yet reveal no such thing through their actions! Most especially, DAMN the Pope's fascist doctrines that serve primarily the self-perpetuation of The Church and finally the continuing power of the few over the many that presumes to eventually make all the human world 'Christian' by whatever means necessary, but do not ultimately serve Life, self determination and Universal Human Rights, or 'God!'"
- - Dudley, October 11, 2004


"What happens if you get scared half to death twice?"
-- Steven Wright

Check Out: Viet-Nam Research Site
...For Indispensable Advice!

V.A. Tips Page

Vietnam Veterans of America
PTSD Claim Guide!

Department Of Veterans Affairs, On Line Application Service (VONAPP)

Compensation and Pension Forms

(After Action and Morning Reports:)

(How to Initiate a Request for Military Personnel Records:)

Most Excellent Personal Site For Information!

Forward, Rode The Three Hundred Spartans

(...had he survived, Al would have loved this Site, but he would have been Paranoid about it disclosing personal information!)

Coping with

A Guide For Families - by C.A. Roberts
(quick-search by author's last name)

"Let all the souls here, rest in peace,
for we shall not repeat the evil."

-- Inscription on Hiroshima Memorial

...or if you prefer the hair of the dog...

"...Oh, I dunno, is murdering indiginous persons so we can feel superior the best way to get them to leave our encroaching wagon trains, rail roads, trading posts, telegraph lines, Pony Express Stations, and settlers alone???? ...or, short of changing, should we lie to them again?!" - Dudley